Contributors: November 2018

ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Detroit, November 2018

Chuck Bennett

Chuck Bennett is an award-winning journalist who has followed fashion and the fashionable for more than three decades. He currently serves as the society columnist for The Detroit News and the host of an afternoon drive-time radio show on 910 AM Superstation (WFDF). Bennett has been curating ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Detroit’s annual β€œBest Dressed” list since its inception in 2008 (see the trendsetters that made year’s list on page 50). In other words, consider him the city’s preeminent style guru.

Stephen Johnson

Stephen Johnson is the founder and owner of Motor City Brew Tours, a Berkley-based company that guides beer enthusiasts through Michigan breweries. Fitting, then, that Johnson wrote about Dearborn’s Downey Brewing Co. for this issue’s Beer Blog (see page 49). He is also an author, occasional professor, and has worked in sales and marketing for over 20 years. Johnson holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Western Michigan University and a master’s degree in business administration from Walsh College of Business.

Gautham Nagesh

Gautham Nagesh started his journalism career at the Cornell Daily Sun in New York, then spent nearly a decade in Washington, D.C. as a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal among other outlets, before moving to Detroit in 2015 to cover the auto industry for WSJ. Though Nagesh moved to Venice, Calif., last year where he works as a freelance writer, he remains engrossed by Detroit. (See his profile on artist and rapper Tashif Turner, aka Sheefy McFly, on page 31.)

Jenny Risher

Jenny Risher graduated from Detroit’s College for Creative Studies with a bachelor’s degree in photography. Her natural visual sensibility has afforded her the opportunity to photograph for a wide range of clients spanning from magazines and publishing companies to nonprofit organizations and television shows. For this issue, Risher shot Sheefy McFly, which is not a first for the photographer. A portrait of the artist can be found in D-Cyphered: Portraits by Jenny Risher, Risher’s exhibit, which is a permanent collection of the Detroit Institute of Arts.

Joe Vaughn

Joe Vaughn, who photographed the tastemakers on this year’s Best Dressed list, is a Detroit-based photographer and cinematographer who has traveled nationally and internationally to capture images for magazines like Conde Nast Traveler, GQ, and Sports Illustrated; clients like Food Network and Coca Cola; and celebrities like Eminem, Kid Rock, and Mario Batali. He believes, however, that β€œconnecting Detroit as a thread β€” be it food, fashion, sports, or culture β€” is always the most honoring assignment.”
