ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Detroit Wins Five Excellence in Journalism Awards

Four journalists, two photographers, and a designer were honored.
Top left to right: Darlene A. White, Kate Townley, Lindsay Kalter, and Brad Ziegler, are joined by ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Detroit’s editor-in-chief Kate Walsh, copy editor Olivia Sedlacek, and associate editor Jack Thomas. Bottom: Scott Atkinson. // Photograph courtesy Brad Ziegler

ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Detroit magazine’s contributors received five awards β€” including three first-place wins β€” on May 15, at the 2023ΜύExcellence in Journalism Awards. Four ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Detroit journalists, two photographers, and a designer were honored. The awards ceremony is held annually by the . It recognizes entries from the prior year that exemplify outstanding achievement in print, digital, radio, and television journalism.

Here’s the list of ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Detroit Print Class C winners:

Community/Local News: Fourth PlaceΜύβ€”This Detroit Native is Fighting a Food Desert With New Grocery Store (July 2023); Darlene A. WhiteΜύ

Feature Reporting: First PlaceΜύβ€” β€˜I’m Still Going Through It’ (Nov. 2023); Scott Atkinson

Judges wrote: β€œThe author masterfully weaves Darell Chancellor’s story, from his wrongful convictions to his eventual exoneration, into a compelling narrative. The reader is drawn in by the vivid descriptions and emotional depth. The piece is structured in a way that helps the reader follow the narrative that spans years. The article demonstrates thorough research, delving into the legal proceedings, alleged police misconduct, and the challenges faced by exonerees. The inclusion of details about the Conviction Integrity Unit adds credibility to the piece. By focusing on Chancellor’s personal struggles, the article humanizes the broader issue of wrongful convictions…”Μύ

Health Reporting: First Place β€” (Oct. 2023); Lindsay Kalter and Kate Townley

Judges wrote: β€œA fascinating and critically important story about the hugely alarming disparities that women face in health care.”

ΒιΆΉ·¬ΊΕ Spread Design: Second Place β€” ; Lindsay Richards (designer) and Justin Milhouse (photographer)

Judges wrote: β€œSometimes less is more, and this is a great example…”

Portrait Photography: First Place β€” In the LeDuff; Brad Ziegler

Judges wrote: β€œA nice photo showing the subject in action.”
